Balancing Valve
- Statik Balans Vanası (Flanşlı) / Static Balancing Valve Flanged
Product Details
Technicial Specifications
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Genel Özellikler / General Specifications
Çalışma Sıcaklık Aralığı / Working Temperature : -10 ... +120 °C (16 Bar)
Standartlar / Standards
Sertifikalar / Certificates :
Tasarım / Design : TS EN 13789
Flanş Boyutları / Flange Dimensions : TS EN 1092-2 (PN 16)
Bağlantı Boyutları / Connection Dimensions : TS EN 1092-2 (PN 16)
Testler / Tests : TS EN 12266-1
Uygulamalar / Applications
Isıtma soğutma ve diğer su sistemleri / Heating and cooling systems and other water systems
Parça Adı / Part Name -> Malzeme / Material
Gövde/Body -> GG 25 - EN GJL 250 - Pik Döküm / Cast Iron
Kapak/Bonnet -> GG 25 - EN GJL 250 - Pik Döküm / Cast Iron
Volan/Handwheel -> DN 40-150, Ebonit/Ebonite, DN 200-300, GG 25-EN GJL 250 - Pik Döküm / Cast Iron
Mil/Stem -> X20Cr13 - AISI420 - Paslanmaz Çelik / Stainless Steel
Klape/Disc -> GGG 40 - EN GJS 400-15 - Sfero Döküm + Kauçuk Kaplama / Ductile Iron + Rubber Coated
Ölçüm Probu/Measurement Probe -> CuZn40Pb2 - CW617N - Pirinç / Brass
Duyar Valve
Duyar was founded in Istanbul in 1965. Today, Duyar is one of Turkey's leading HVAC, plumbing, and fire protection systems manufacturing companies and Duyar products are being used in more than 85 countries. Duyar is the only European member of the International Fire Sprinkler Association. Duyar's corporate philosophy is to bring to the market new and innovative product designs with special emphasis on quality, safety, ease of operation, simple in-line maintenance, and long service life. All this, combined with the use of high-quality materials and advanced manufacturing technology in all manufacturing stages, ensures the highest possible quality at a competitive price.