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UL Safety Standard: UL 448
- The requirements of this standard cover design and test features of centrifugal fire pumps intended for use in water-supply systems for fire-protection service.
- The pumps covered by these requirements are intended for installation and use in accordance with the Standard for the Installation of Stationary Pumps for Fire Protection, NFPA 20.
FM Approvals Standard 1311 / 1319
- FM Class 1311 states approval criteria for horizontal or vertical split case centrifugal fire pumps while FM Class 1319 states about horizontal end suction centrifugal fire pumps that supply water to fire protection systems.
- The requirements in these standards are mainly based on ANSI Hydraulics Institute (HI) and NFPA 20 standards.
Design Features according to UL- FM
- All interior bolt or screw that are exposed to pumped liquid shall be of rolled bronze or corrosion resistant material
- The pump shall be provided with automatic air-release valve, circulation relief valve and pressure gauges
- Bearings shall have an L-10 rating of not less than 5000 hours at maximum load.
- The pumps shall be provided with at least four packing rings plus a lantern ring. The lantern ring may be permitted to replace one ring of packing.
- Impellers, wear rings, shafts, lantern rings, glands shall be made of corrosion resistant material.