• The chiller which is called as English chiller and translated into Turkish as cooling
  • systems; heat transfer from one source to another source, so-called injection
  • cooling system. Chiller cooling systems consisting of compressor, condenser,
  • expansion valve and evaporator operate by cooling the compressed and heated
  • gas in the compressor in the condenser. Chillers work in two different ways.
  • Air cooled and Water cooled.

Air Cooled Chiller

HS Code : 841869

Certificates : certificate certificate certificate

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The chiller which is called as English chiller and translated into Turkish as cooling systems; heat transfer from one source to another source, so-called injection cooling system. Chiller cooling systems consisting of compressor, condenser, expansion valve and evaporator operate by cooling the compressed and heated gas in the compressor in the condenser. Chillers work in two different ways. Air cooled and Water cooled.