Check Valve
Product Details
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The check valves permit to eliminate flow reversals inside the refrigerant circuit. They are characterized by a low differential pressure.
The check valves illustrated in this chapter are designed for installation on commercial, industrial refrigeration systems and air conditioning plants such as heat pumps, split units, cold rooms, rack systems, chillers etc applica- tions.
Suitable refrigerants:
• HCFC (R22)
• HFC (R134a, R404A, R407C, R410A, R507)
• HFO and HFO/HFC mixtures (R1234ze, R448A, R449A, R450A and R452A)
For specific applications with refrigerant fluids not listed above, please contact GVN technical department.
All OLAB check valves in the 33000 series feature the following qualitative advantages resulting from the use of our technology:
• Perfect seal,
• Opening differential pressure from 0.1-0.3-1.5 bar,
• 100% TESTED, each valve bears the date and serial number proving that it has passed the test and allowing traceability of the performance data measured during testing over time.
Güven Soğutma is a family company, founded in Istanbul in 1985.
Our company developed itself rapidly in both domestic and international market with the production of pressure vessels & refrigeration equipment for industrial refrigeration and air conditioning sector and today became a leading company in Turkey in its product line.
Güven Soğutma has proven its quality with ISO 9001: 2015 standards and CE (PED) certification and became one of the world’s leading brands exporting to more than 60 countries by participating in many local and international exhibitions.
Today we are proud of serving better and being solution partners of our customers with our long-term based experience, new production areas and high technology machinery parks, effective staff, a wide range of high quality products, new generation Carbon Dioxide (CO2), Ammonia (NH3), R290 Propane products and our European business partners.