Oil Separator

HS Code : 842139

Certificates : certificate certificate certificate certificate certificate

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The task of coalescent oil separators is to separate oil from the discharge refrigerant correctly and ensure oil return to the compressor most effectively. The purpose is to maintain crankcase oil level and increase the efficiency of the system by minimizing the excessive oil circulation. Glass fiber micro filter elements highly efficiently separate aerosol particles from the discharge gas flow. Thereby, the aerosol particles collide with b+orosilicate fibers and agglom- erate into larger drops. The drops are drained to the bottom by gravity for oil return. Coalescent oil separators also sepa- rate solid particles from the discharge gas/ oil. However, coalescent oil separators should not be used to clean refrigeration systems. A continuous increase of the pressure drop shows that coalescence element is dirty. It is recommended to change the filter, when pressure drop increases.Coalescent oil separators type are designed for using in vari- ous systems and multiple compressors for maximum energy- efficiency and low pressure oil management systems. They are suitable for scroll and piston compressors but they are not recommended for screw and rotary compressors. Standard product series are designed for use with HCFC, HFC, CO2 and NH3 refrigerant with the relevant oil. OS.C.45b series models are designed for use with an external reservoir.

Coalescent oil separators & flange type are the products with float system: All active parts are fully made of stainless steel in the float system. It is protected against pressure and circula- tion which may occur inside the product. Any contamination which may occur in the system can be eas- ily caught by magnet in float system at oil outlet, thus it en- sures that valve operates in cleaner environment.OS.CR There is no float system inside the product.