• FAF1270 fully welded ball valve is operating by a ball having a hole with the same size as the flow section, through the help of the stem, inside a body made by welding of 3 piece high pressure resistant steel pipes, rotating quarter turn (90 degree) between teflon seats where the ball to be parallel or perpendicular to the flow axis.
  • DN15 - DN1000
  • PN 6-10-16-25-40

Ball Valve

HS Code : 848180

Certificates : certificate certificate certificate

Product Details

Technicial Specifications

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*** Smooth and flawless body binding is achieved through full auto-mated welding machines.

*** Non leakage is possible from the body due to non-mechanical type of assembly.

*** Through its single body design, the stress and elongation/compres-sion on the pipeline due to high temperature differences effecting the valve performance is eliminated.

*** Can be manufactured with different stem lenghts and extension spindles. Suitable for underground installation.

*** Can be installed directly to the pump without any need for addi-tional intermediary parts.

*** Suitable to install actuator and gearbox.

*** Ease of insulation due to its pipe shaped body.

*** It is appropriate to be used in fully open or fully closed position

*** Can be operated with lower torque ratings.

Temperature +200 °C